Australia and New Zealand offer many business opportunities and and regarded by many as desirable personal destinations, often as places where one could finally settle down.
Mature and safe business environment, multiculturalism and international prestige are just a few of factors to consider to incorporate in Australia or New Zealand.
Your Hong Kong Subsidiary
When your business becomes international and most of the action takes place in Asia Pacific, consider establishing a structure in Hong Kong, a place that possesses the best features of 'both worlds': legal traditions of Western Europe and practicality of East Asia
A WFOE* in Shanghai Free Trade Zone
*) WFOE (professionals call it 'wooffy') - a 'wholly foreign owned enterprise' - a way to represent your business in one of the biggest markets in the world, China.
Forget about "representative office' which has so many limitations, these days having a full-fledged company in China is much cheaper than before; advantages are countless
By the way...
We do not limit ourselves with the countries and regions mentioned above. If you have other places where you plan to do business please contact us at any time. We speak many languages, you are welcome to write to us in:
Español * עברית * English * 中文